Interview transcription
How soon can I return to work after cataract surgery?
We interviewed Robert Morris to learn how soon you can return to work after cataract surgery.
Robert Morris: Patients can return to work within a week after cataract surgery. And one of the determining features is whether both eyes or one eye have been done.
What would delay a return to work?
What would delay a return to work, is if a patient has quite thick spectacles, and one eye has been corrected, so they don’t need a spectacle lens for distance for that eye, but the other hasn’t. Because at that point, a patient will be unbalanced. But once both eyes have been done, a patient can be returning to work within a week, could be playing golf within a week. They need to be careful in the wind and with sand and things. But with modern-day cataract surgery, because we’re just using tiny little micro-incision and nicks in the eye, keyhole surgery with no stitches.
Myths Debunked
“Days of restricted activity for weeks on end” – that is still a common myth, and still commonly spoken about – are gone. Patients still say to me, “when can I bend down after surgery? My friend told me it was 6-8 weeks”, that’s all gone, you can be bending down a day or two later. I mean, I wouldn’t advocate shifting heavy furniture a day or two later, but you could be going for a walk the next day and taking some gentle exercise. Essentially, you can get back to pretty normal activities in a week.
About the Author
Mr Robert Morris
BSc(Hons), MB BS (Hons), MRCP, FRCS, FRCOphth
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Robert Morris trained at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, part of the University of London, and graduated with Honours in his final examinations. Robert completed his post-graduate ophthalmic training at the renowned units in Oxford Eye Hospital and London’s Moorfields Eye Hospital. Within the NHS, he has performed over 12,000 cataract procedures. He has an interest in squint surgery and is a national expert in this field. In addition to his NHS work, Robert manages a successful independent private practice. He continually updates his training to keep abreast with the latest technology and techniques in refractive surgery.