Frequently Asked Questions about Laser Eye Surgery
We’ve considered all the questions we get asked as eye surgeons and filmed ourselves sharing our answers. We hope they help you learn more about laser eye surgery.
What is LASIK?
Mr. Alex Shortt explains what LASIK is and the two main steps to the LASIK procedure.
What eye conditions does LASIK treat?
Mr Alex Shortt talks about the different eye conditions LASIK can treat.
What are the ReLEX SMILE laser surgery risks?
Mr. Robert Morris talks about the risks of a ReLex SMILE surgery and compares with risks of wearing lenses instead on a daily basis.
How long does it take to recover from presbyopic laser eye surgery?
The duration of a patient's recovery after presbyopic laser eye surgery depends on different factors. Click here and find out more.
How long does cataract surgery take?
Does cataract surgery take long? Click here to learn more.
How does presbyopic LASIK laser blended vision work?
How does presbyopic LASIK eye surgery work? Presbyopic LASIK eye surgery works by altering the focusing power of the eye. It alters the focusing power of the eye by reshaping the cornea of the [...]