How much does dry eye treatment cost?
The cost of dry eye treatment includes an initial assessment, which is an examination and analysis of the dry eye and the cause of the dry eye. And that includes investigative procedures.
Initial Cost.
So, all in all, an initial assessment may cost up to £400. The ongoing management of that dry eye includes the cost of any drops that you might have or any plugs that you may need to try and stop the tears draining away. And that’s variable, so it’s different for different people.
Ongoing treatment cost.
The drops generally cost about £10-20 a month, for most patients. And if a surgical procedure is required, that will be in the sort of £200-300 range. But of course, dry eye is a permanent condition. So, if a patient has a dry eye, their ongoing treatment is the cost of the drops they require.
Of course, many patients who are NHS patients can get these drops from their general practitioner, so there would be no cost.
It’s important to realize that most patients will only require one initial assessment and maybe two or three follow up treatments. So, the ongoing costs of the consultations are low. The main cost is in the ongoing cost of the treatment if it’s not available on the NHS.
About the Author
Mr Robert Morris
BSc(Hons), MB BS (Hons), MRCP, FRCS, FRCOphth
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Robert Morris trained at St Bartholomew’s Hospital part of the University of London. He graduated with Honours in his final examinations. Robert completed his post-graduate ophthalmic training at the renowned units in Oxford Eye Hospital and London’s Moorfields Eye Hospital. Within the NHS, he has had a high volume cataract surgery practice and performed over 12,000 cataract procedures. He has an interest in squint surgery and is a national expert in this field. In addition to his NHS work, Robert manages a successful independent private practice. He continualy updates his training to keep abreast with the latest technology and techniques in refractive surgery.