Frequently Asked Questions about Lens Replacement
We’ve considered all the questions we get asked as eye surgeons and filmed ourselves sharing our answers. We hope they help you learn more about eye surgery.
Is ReLEx SMILE better than LASEK?
What is better for you - ReLEx SMILE or LASEK? Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Robert Morris points out the differences between both procedures.
How much does ReLEx SMILE cost?
Learn more about the costs of ReLEx SMILE and what is included in the treatment's price.
What are the risks of refractive lens exchange?
Paul Rosen explains the risks of refractive lens exchange. Read more and watch the video...
What are the risks of refractive lens exchange?
Robert Morris talks about the risks of refractive lens exchange operations. Most risks are addressed by skilled surgeons before surgery.
How much does refractive lens exchange cost?
Robert Morris talks about the costs of refractive lens exchange, that are mainly based on the technology, skills and costs of lenses.
Does refractive lens exchange hurt?
Many patients are concerned with discomfort around eye surgery. Robert Morris answers the question if a refractive lens exchange hurts.